What's New on Allan & Debbie's site?

This page shows what was added to the site, and when.


10 July 2024   2024 Deep South of America

18 Apr 2024    2024 South-East Asia

02 Jan 2024    2023 Isle of Man and Sicily

07 July 2023    2023 French cruise on the Rhone and Seine

14 Aug 2022    2022 Great Lakes cruise from Chicago to Toronto

13 Apr 2022    2022 Northern Lights cruise to North Cape

23 Aug 2021    Minor updates on home and canal pages after selling Keeping Up

07 Jan 2021     Minor updates on home and canal pages.

14 Dec 2019    2019 Going to Liverpool

17 Jan 2019     All embedded videos replaced by links; all thumbnails re-sized as percentage widths

14 Jan 2019     2019 The futility of making plans

19 Dec 2018    2018 Amsterdam to the Black Sea

11 Dec 2017    2017 Travels with a broken wrist

11 Dec 2017    2017 Portugal's River Douro

08 Dec 2016    Dogs page updated (Jessop)

08 Dec 2016    2016 Jessop's first trip

08 Dec 2016    Our Ruby Wedding Anniversary

07 Feb 2016    2015 Award-winning trip

14 Dec 2015    Dogs page updated (Maysi)

19 Jan 2015    2015 Short break in Iceland

18 Dec 2014    2014 Autumn Colours in the American Northeast

29 Sep 2014    2014 New engine, Monty, S&W, Gloucester, Erewash

10 Jun 2014    2014 Spring in Braunston Dry-dock

19 Jan 2014    2013 East Midlands, Trent, Thames, K&A, Avon, and Severn

14 Nov 2013   2013 Sweden's Gota Canal from Stockholm to Gothenburg

24 Sep 2012    2012 Coventry, Macclesfield, Birmingham, BCN Wedding, Drayton Manor

27 Jan 2012    2011 Russian cruise St Petersburg to Astrakhan and Rostov-on-Don

17 Dec 2011   2011 trip to Boston, MSC, and Droitwich

17 Dec 2011   New navigation bar added to Home page & Canals page

22 Feb 2011    Image displays modified to use Slimbox2 transitions

03 Oct 2010    2010 Nene, Fens, Great Ouse and Thames

27 Sep 2010    Additional Norfolk Broads pictures

01 July 2010   2010 Thames and Devizes

22 Feb 2010    Layout plan of Keeping Up included

20 Oct 2009    Index page created, with links to all canal pictures

20 Oct 2009   2009 trip to Gloucester, the Pennines, Llangollen & Birmingham

24 Feb 2009   Satellite Sundial page duplicated

15 Jan 2009   The Satellite Sundial added

16 Nov 2008  All page headers W3C references updated

12 Nov 2008  2008 trip to Boston and the Chesterfield

22 July 2008  2008 trips to Llangollen and Gloucester

10 Apr 2008   2008 trips to Stoke Bruerne and Napton

01 Dec 2007   2007 trips to Thrupp, Leek-Sharpness, Brum & Shroppie, Aylesbury Arm

31 Oct 2007    Slideshows moved to Flickr site

08 June 2007  2007 Russian cruise from Moscow to St Petersburg

25 Apr 2007   2007 Towing from Foxton to Hillmorton

03 Mar 2007  Lunar Eclipse at Milton Keynes - Now deleted

18 Oct 2006    2006 Thames and Beale Park festival

10 July 2006   Our Pearl Wedding party

12 Jun 2006    2006 Boston and the Witham Navigable Drains

30 Mar 2006   Pictures on travel pages renamed, error handling improved

22 Mar 2006   Recollections of boating in the 1940s

21 Mar 2006   Links to corresponding Yahoo slideshow added to every page

18 Mar 2006   Thistle 1987-1991 including the Kidsgrove Boggart

18 Feb 2006    Dutch Barge Apolonia on the Grand Union

02 Feb 2006    Canals, the River Shannon, and the Norfolk Broads in the 1960s and 1970s

30 Nov 2005    Sights and sounds of boats at the 2001 Festival in MK

24 Aug 2005    2005 canal trips (Oxford, Anderton, Llangollen, Birmingham)

29 Mar 2005    The opening of the Wendover Arm Phase I restoration

23 Mar 2005    2001 Cruise to Alaska (2 pages)

09 Mar 2005    Pictures from Aylesbury Canal Basin included

02 Mar 2005   1999 Cruise to Norwegian Fjords (2 pages)

01 Mar 2005    Links to Yahoo photo site enabling view as slideshow

25 Feb 2005     2003 cruise to Antarctica (4 pages)

08 Feb 2005     2003 canal trip (Thames and Trent)

03 Feb 2005     Histories of Keeping Up and of Thistle created

26 Jan 2005     2004 Egypt holiday photos and text created

30 Dec 2004    Family pages partially updated, showing family history as a separate page.

30 Dec 2004    Temporary pages for David, Vicki, and for the dogs.

30 Dec 2004    Site Map and this "What's New" page created

03 Dec 2004    2004 canal trips, and Allan and Debbie's pages added

03 Dec 2004    Site Created


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